


 Living in the middle of Munich we still have wildlife like you can find in all the cities around the globe. My favorite visitors are red squirrels by far. The frequency of these visits changes throughout the year. Right now they are very busy collecting nuts (we provide some) and collecting them for winter time. 

I love the little characters. The are all different. Some are brave (we had one a couples of years ago which did hide nuts in our orchids in the living room), the others are more timid, some are more bossy, some have huge ear tufts, the others are not so hairy, some are red, some are brown (still the same red squirrel).  Even the style of jumping is different, the tend to use always the same ways, same places to jump. 

So I study the different squirrels and is always a joy and a challenge to photograph them from my window. My goal is to get a sharp image of a „flying“ squirrel. Having this said it is a tough job. Bad light conditions and the rapidity of these agile animals are two conditions I have to deal with. Even a shutter speed of 2000 seems to be not enough. I always end up sacrificing ISO. The autofocus is struggling too even though my equipment to made for quick action (Canon 1DX Mark II and Canon EF 70-200mm f/2,8). I will keep on rolling.